Legal Mentions
6A Rue du Commerce
67118 Geispolsheim
Phone : 03 88 55 74 37
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Capital social : 15 300 euros
Legal status : Société à responsabilité limitée
SIREN number : 413100660
SIRET (siège) number : 41310066000062
TVA Intracommunautaire number : FR19413100660
RCS number : Strasbourg B 413 100 660
Your personal data is collected by METEOTRONIC, société à responsabilité limitée au capital social de 15 300 euros, registered in Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Strasbourg under SIRET number 41310066000062.
Your personal data collected through the forms "New customer ?", "Billing address" and "Delivery address" may not be disclosed to persons other than those making up our group, and its sole purpose is to process your order for its delivery and invoicing.
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as "Informatique et Libertés", modified by the law of August 6, 2004 and the decree of March 25, 2007, you have at any time a right of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of personal data concerning you. To exercise this right, you can send your request to the following address :
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Discover the CNIL's advice to block third-party cookies :
The Website - property of the company METEOTRONIC is a work protected by intellectual property law, copyright which includes texts, images, photographs, illustrations, logos, videos which are themselves protected by copyright, industrial or intellectual property rights.
The Internet user's use of the Website is strictly reserved for private use - the right of use by the Internet user is limited to consulting the information on the Website.
Any use, reproduction, total or partial downloading of the Website, or of any of its text, images, photographs, illustrations, logos, videos, downloads, without the agreement of METEOTRONIC is therefore strictly prohibited.
Any breach of this article is liable to be penalized and civilly sanctioned, in particular for counterfeiting and will result in the payment of damages, if applicable.
Web Concept Design
Parc d’Activités du Thal
9 rue du Thal
67210 Obernai
Phone : 03 88 95 00 01
Fax : 03 88 47 01 22
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